Friday, August 30, 2013

First Nature Walk

Learning at its best on our first, weekly Nature Walk.
We found, inchworms, cicadas, mushrooms, bark, poison ivy, milk weed, leaves, flowers, moss, lichen, wet grass, a huge spider and the tiny lizard in the video below.

We plan to go an a Nature Walk every Friday.  We will start sometime shortly after 11 and follow the same route every week.
Parents are welcome to join us!

Creating Class Rules

We worked together to create rules for our class:
Be Nice
Be Safe
Use Things the Right Way
Everybody Works and Plays

Monday, August 26, 2013

Squishy! Slimy! Science!

Today we started to learn what it means to be a scientist. 
We asked a question: "What's in the box?"
We made hypotheses: "a mouse, cheese, stink bugs, legos, a cookie"
Then we used our skills of observation to discover what actually was in the box.  Worms!
Then we recorded our observations with video, writing and drawing.
We engaged an audience outside of our classroom by tweeting our original question.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome Butterflies!

Today we practiced reading this classic book.  We used the pictures to tell a story, then read the words.  Later, each child had a chance to act out the story.  They pretended to pop out of an egg, eat too much food and eventually turn in to a colorful butterfly.