Friday, January 31, 2014

Night and Day


Kids In Space!

We've been learning about space (mostly how the sun impacts earth).  We have spent some time watching videos taken on the International Space Station.  Astronaut Chris Hadfield provides a great inspiration.  Check out more of his videos on YouTube.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

math Night

Interested in learning what goes on in the Butterfly Classroom for math instruction?

Want to know how you can help your child at home in math?

All parents and caregivers are invited:

Math Night
January 23 (Jan . 30, make up date)
Room 13, BWES

Child care is not available.  

Other First Grades will host a Math Night at the same time.  Other grades will host Math Nights on other dates.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold Weather Learning

We made mini-popsicles, using our outdoor stoop as a freezer.
Children made predictions and explored the meanings of the words "freeze, liquid and solid".
Parker:  The word "freeze" means that something doesn't move.
Sophia: A solid stays the same shape.

We also blew bubbles outside.  We wondered if the bubbles would freeze into a solid or stay a liquid.  
Now we are wondering, "Why did the small bubbles in the bowl freeze, but the bubbles we blew stay  as a liquid?"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Math Homework

This is the first week of math homework for the Butterfly Class. 

As with all other homework, math homework will be sent home on the fist day of the week and is due on Friday of each week.

One of our goals in math for first grade is for students to be able to quickly and accurately solve addition and subtraction equations to 18.